It all began with a royal flush!
I am delighted to say I cashed in in first place in a $3.30 buy in Bounty Hunter tournament, following the guidance learnt from Sklansky & Malmuth's books (Small Stakes Hold'em) with starting hands pre flop strategy in EP, MP and LP and varying this up for tighter games to looser games. I will share this strategy on next month.
Altogether, with all the other bounty's won by knocking other players out, I amassed a total win of £55.
Later I hit a set on the flop and then full house with pocket sevens from late position.
After I was kicked off the Bwin site due to faulty connection, I came back in the nick of time (literally) to pick up pocket aces...and double up my stack against a loose aggressive player.
I was now up to about 285,000 chips...
I didn't get much luck hands wise after this and the blinds were increasing in size quickly. After I folded AQ unsuited when I got reraised, I was forced to fight for my tournament life against the same player with K ♣️ 10 ♣️ by risking an all in.
You can see what happened ... :) I love poker sometimes!
I doubled up with my new favourite hand A ♥️ Q ♥️ going all in versus QQ and hitting my A on the river :)
All part of the maths you see :) I would have folded an unsuited AQ, but suited has greater value. I actually folded the same handed incorrectly later on and would have flopped a nut flush!
I played K 💎 Q 💎 carefully from late position and got lucky on the river, and made a small value bet which got called.
Other hands I won that helped increase my stack greater still...
ALL IN WITH A8 offsuit from the small blind.
Against the same player, hitting a set on the turn and a full house on the river!
gosha22233 got knocked out by MarRIXOwnedD
When it got to the final two players, I just went super aggressive, going all in every hand as I had to be getting off the table for work! In the end A10 did the job...
Delighted to have won and to show this as my final post for the September blogger challenge.
Thank you for reading
Good luck at the tables all! I mean it.

39$ not bed
It all counts!