It was painful...

Hi, Guys!

Have you had ever a situation when you don't get a good hand one by one... And here you are dealt a hand with which you can play. This may be the only hand in the last 50 hands that you can try to play with, but your opponent gets nut against your strong hand and you lose.

Disclaimer: CoinPoker use cryptocurrency for playing, it's not dollars. Actually, NL500 is approximately equal to NL2 in USD.

I was lucky on the first hand and I won a big bank in HU.

But It was the last hand today when I win.

Then the calling station sat down at the table. I hate to play against calling stations. I don't know how they win all hands but they get nuts in each hand that they get.

I folded almost 45 hands after my first hand and finally got a good hand.

You can see this terrible hand below:

Why does calling station get a flush draw when I get a straight? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....... Stupid calling station... He has stats 85/15. He played all hands that he got.

But my suffering didn't end there...

I folded more 13 hands and get pocket pair 77. I agree that I didn't play well here, just pushing on the preflop. But I didn't have a good hand more than 60 hands in a row.

When I saw 7 T K on the flop I understand 9 or A will be on the turn. Whyyyyy?

I lost to a calling station again. It was the same player I had lost in the previous hand.

So sad... I lost two buy-ins today and exited from CoinPoker.

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I play freerolls, save up start bankroll, want to play cash games, and dream to raise by the stakes.
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