Last chance of the late month...
Yesterday was the last day of the month, and the poker rooms hosted a sufficient number of freerolls, all of which were rated) Well, this is when your account level allows U to play them, but I was not lucky enough to be satisfied with the prize money in them) I only gotten the money in the PokerStars freeroll that falls out of this blue chest) This freeroll with a turbo structure, and without prize payments, I can only get cash for a bounty players. Sometimes I done knocked out in these freerolls, and sometimes I don't, but this time I it deep run and knock out a few players. Today I will show U how it was 😏
At the very beginning of the game, I think I would leave the freeroll with nothing when my all-in was against a strong hand, however, something went wrong, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I understanded that I should have time to play same in other similar situation...
And it came! 😎
I won in all-ins, with the smallest chance of winning, while on the turn) I was very lucky 😛 I thought this was a my chance to win more money) but our stacks at the table were rapidly increasing, and it become was almost impossible to go all-in on the preflop, since there were no daredevils at the table) And I began to take cunning actions... 😑
Apparently, with such a game, I wanted to see all-ins of opponents on the preflop, but it did not work 😐 However, my "luck switch lever" still worked, and I gotten nuts, even on the postflop, but they were not paid by my opponents, not a very good game on my part.
After a while, the opponent's stacks became much larger than my stack, and I became the shortest at the table. I managed to win in all-in later, but then I couldn't stand it and pushed my hand on the limp from the HJ position, I didn't think that he had such a hand and he would stay in the game, my intuition failed me, and I was knocked out of the freeroll, the same way I was going to knock out players earlier) lol
Yes, not the best result in this freeroll 😏 I expected more, but I think I was in a hurry to go all-in with such a border hand, even though I had chances to win. Okay, maybe next time I'll win more money in it. So, this month I haven't played tournaments yet, most likely, I will rest for a couple of days, or rather, I will repair my room and my game work place, I have a lot of things to do. I need to finish them, because I am often lazy, and they have already begun to annoy me) So don't lose me for a while, I hope I come back with a win, it's high time for me to win something) Okay, bye everyone and good luck! 😎