Let's get acquainted !


As your ratings shows, I have introduced myself unsuccessfully. Let's try again. My nickname is Victorias, I choose it for a reason it makes a lot of sence for me. My nickname means Victoria - victory, s-skill...

Therefore I want to go exactly to the finals, no matter what I'm fighting for.


I've been familiar with poker for a long time, but today I'm not a regular, but just an amateur. I play both cash and MTT,it all depends on my mood. Now I play at PokerMatch mainly.

There are no special winnings at the moment, so there is nothing to share. As soon as there is something interesting, I will definitely write a post about it.

Thank you all for your attention.


I would be grateful if you point out my mistakes, as my English grammar is not good

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Ukraine Vetal Guru

Glad to see you and will be glad to see your success in poker

1 replies


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