McFly's blog. Luck in poker, why it's so important to me.

Hello to all!

Sometimes I go here to read the blogs of other guys, and I want to say thanks to everyone - many useful and interesting things can be found here. But it’s hard for me to write.

However, today I wanted to stay a bit not as a reader, but as a writer :)

I want to tell you something unexpected about myself. I am very superstitious. Yes, I understand that the main thing in poker is skill, mathematics and psychology, and not luck at all. But I can’t help myself. All my life I believe in signs and in the influence of luck on everything around.

This also applies to poker. For example, I have a sign that I always try to follow. If I play offline, then there should not be empty dishes near me. That is, as soon as I finish my coffee, I immediately ask the waiter to take the cup away. Otherwise, this empty cup will certainly take all my money. I understand that it sounds a little ridiculous, but each one has its own oddities.

As for cats, I love cats of all colors and I think that all of them bring good luck. So I advise every poker player to get a cat. And it is better to take one from the shelter.

Are you superstitious? Believe in the influence of good luck?

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Live in Prague. Love poker, especially offline. Want to visit all countries.
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