Motivation and motivators

Hey mates,

Today, I have a day off from poker and want to bring up a subject, that is now on my mind and have been for a while. It’s motivation and motivators! No matter what you do, poker or any other project, that requires a lot of time and dedication - it’s highly important, to my opinion, that you stay motivated. This motivation should be real for you and desired. I had lots of problems with poker years ago, when I had only one motivation in my head - pile of crispy cash bills. Now I switched to realistic goals and motivation, for example I don’t dream of big cash, I want to improve my game and make less mistakes in the long run. What motivates me? I see other players, that have been in the game less time, than me achieve more, than I did. Motivators are important too, it’s hard to do your best, when somebody is always leaning on your shoulder and saying, that you’re going the wrong way.

What is motivation and who are your motivators?

P.S. Weather is still so nice, I couldn’t resist to go out and play some ball

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Comments (6)

post from phone, sry if misspelled or elsewhere I screwed up 

1 replies
MrKaplin Blocked

Normal) I'll think about U question and answer it later, I won't immediately remember what is best 2 motivate me 2 play.

Amirgali Blocked

Motivation is a powerful thing, in poker there is no place without it

0 replies
your motivators?

0 replies

Is it your photo?

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