My choice, why CASH and not MTT or SnG? (Сonclusions)
If u dont read last 2 parts i recommend
Today I will talk about SnG
Pros of Sit and Go
1. Relative flexibility
When I talk about SnG, I mean SnG for 45, 27, and 9 players and spin @ go. A long time ago SnGs for 180 players (and later 90) appeared on PokerStars, and they are still popular at the lower buy-in levels. However, playing them can last several hours, so I classify them as tournaments. Traditional SnGs usually last about an hour, sometimes less. In my opinion, they are more close to cash games. Thereby SnG has sufficient flexibility, unlike large MTT tournaments, which may take a whole day to finish.
2. Rakeback
SnG is a trove of rake generation, especially at medium and high limits. If you look at the list of players who receive a "high Rakeback" status, SnG-regulars always occupy more places in it than other players do. Some SnG high limits regulars used to reach Supernova Elite ($ 100k) every year. Some of them can do this several times a year. In addition, one player named George "Jorj95" Lind made SNE in one month! If you are a talented SnG player and can make huge volumes, then this format is just for you. Only here you can earn so much rakeback. Now there is not so much traffic in these disciplines as it was before.
Cons Sit and Go
1. Low traffic
I think that SnG takes the last place by the number of players among the three main formats. In comparison with cash games, SnG also tends to attract a higher percentage of regulars. This means that you only have to play during rush hour, and fishes will always be in a big deficit.
2. Robotic solutions
One of the biggest reasons why SnG has never been so interesting to me as cash is the need to remember a lot of push/fold charts and ICM calculations. That is why I stopped playing a limit hold'em. This game also seemed completely robotic to me. I don’t want to play a game that has already been “predetermine” in some respects. Some SnG-regulars may criticize me to smithereens, but this is just my (maybe narrow-minded) opinion.
To sum up, when people ask me what they should play, cash, tournaments or SnG, my answer is always the same:
Play what you like best!
The same applies to the type of game within the same format. Ask yourself which one you find more interesting and play it. We all started playing poker for fun, and I think it should never go away. In addition, it is always easier to motivate yourself by doing exactly what you really like. But still, pay attention to some of the pros and cons of these formats. I hope this helps you make a more informed decision.
If I had to choose again, I would still prefer the cash. Personally, I consider it the most difficult of the three main poker formats, as well as the most interesting. A good cash player will always have an advantage over an MTT player and SnG in terms of mathematics. There is a reason that many cash players of high limits play in parallel and expensive tournaments with $ 10000-50000 buy-ins. By the way, they are very successful.
Second place I definitely give to SnG. While I find this format less interesting, its main advantage is the ability to earn big money. There is no denying the fact that SnG is ideal for rakeback-oriented grinders who can play a lot.
In the third place, there are MTT for me. Despite the fact that tournaments give the most emotions long and unpredictable sessions and crazy dispersion is not for me. Therefore, I never thought about playing them regularly or even from time to time. They will always be just a hobby for me.
Sometimes it's nice to mix different formats. I often do this, especially during downswings in cash. Small tournaments have long been my outlet. I got addicted to them as soon as they appeared. If things go awry in the cash, but I want to play poker, I just run a dozen of these tournaments and try to get to at least one or two final tables.)))
What format do you like?

i dont think that SNG is boring and robotic. But i am think mb try to learning cash games)
now is good time to start)