New 888 Software = WOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAU!!!
It's a wonderfull day, even if was raining all day long! Look why:
My monitor have a new poker application, it's the new software from and i am so happy to see it!
I just put an eye on it and it works propertly! I wait my money from the old version, and untill that i will share the most important things you must do to help the support with the migration:
First of all, you must desinstall your old version and install the fresh one. After that , you must update your account details: adress and personal identity, and to upload the documents required:
I've changed my name with the nickname, personal reasons.
These are the most shocking news:
After these, voala:
It looks so nice, so professional.
HEY, but GER4SOUL has already finded some advantages and disadvantages:
1. At the login window, you have a "remember my nickname and password", you know that on the old one you must everytime to write the password.
2. The colors are most exacly like the old one, with more accent on turcoas-blue and yelllow.
3. The menus are so active at surfing, dinamics works so good!
4. More criteries and filters to find the tournaments you want!
....and i will find more then i will play for the first time.
1. You cannot see so many infos when you make a screenshoot with a tournament finished, for example on 4th place. Are too many lobbys and you must click on the one you are focused on.
2. Your account have already some buttons with "slots", so now it's a mixt, probably the "bet" things will be also added.
3. The "settings" are exacly the same, the design of these are also old. Same thing with "hand history" window, probaly on the way...
4. Don't find the page "beginners" as a thing to help too much the players....
5. The icon of the application wasn't changed...
Lets analyse a print screen lobby:
Have a total lobby, and looks nice, especially the nickname crown and with the win in the button, even if the KO amount is not there....
The normal payouts without breaking the garanteed i guess.....
After all, as i said, i am so happy and wait this day for a long time!
GL at the tables!

I don't see much improvement yet.