Omaha H\L again!
Hi, Guys!
I am a very strange player! I want to play Hold'em 6-max cash games but I always play Omaha tournaments.
Actually, these freerolls let me save up my start bankroll for cash game therefore why not.
So, I played Omaha H\L freeroll yesterday. Let's see two hands that got me two biggest banks in this tournament.
I was very lucky in this hand. I got a potentially strongest flush draw on the flop if opponents didn't have AcXc.
But my odds on the flop were not big because my opponent got two pair on the flop.
So, I started to bet and got my outs on the river and won.
I had 56.9% on the flop and 37.5% on the turn to win.
I was lucky in this hand because I got nuts on the flop and my opponents were ready to put in the pot a lot.
I don't know why they put a lot in the pot when they had only two pairs. I've never put the entire stack when I have two pair in Omaha. I think it's little to push for Omaha.
In the end, I made it to ITM and finished soon.
I'm slowly moving to the initial bankroll in ACR, but I'm moving.
Thank you for reading!!!
P.S. If you think that means a picture to the post I answer it's the Omaha state of Nebraska.

I almost never play Omaha, so it's interesting to see how others play :)