Omaha: sometimes your flush is not enough to win...

Hi, Guys!

Actually I'm more interested in Texas Hold'em but sometimes I play Omaha freerolls in Americas Cardroom. Maybe one day I'll play cash Omaha.

I played one freeroll today. In the middle of the tournament, one bad hand greatly reduced my stack, after which I could not recoup and left the tournament before ITM.

Actually, I think about that opponent has flush with Kd but it seemed so unbelievable.

I thought I needed a Flush. When I got flush on the turn I had a 0% chance to win. My desire to get a lot of chips overshadowed my common sense and I made an even bigger mistake on the river.

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I play freerolls, save up start bankroll, want to play cash games, and dream to raise by the stakes.
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