Parsing the distribution
Hello, Cardmates!
Today I want to analyze an ambiguous decision while playing poker. Here's the distribution:
Not an obvious solution. Is not it? Let's see what "simple nash" tells us:
At first glance, it seems that I'm just an idiot. After all, there is no all-in here. But there is one nuance. The opponent playing in the big blind is sleeping. This means he will never call our all-in. We change its range and repeat the calculations:
Magic! Now this action becomes beneficial. If you also remove at least one hand from the small blind's range, for example K9s, then everything becomes even more beautiful:
Now my soul is calm. I made the right decision and it will bring income over the long haul.

🤔 84 - 👍
I believe here the word "hand" will be better than "distribution". poker hand - it is common term)
Thanks! I will try to avoid such mistakes in the future.