Poker. Omaha NL2 (GGPokerok). Betting 1 game


I play Omaha.

Today I will show you 1 combination Four of a kind. I will also make a forecast for a hockey game Sochi-Lokomotiv Yaroslavl.


I limp and we have a multi-pot on the flop (3 players). Great flop. I have the nuts and the ability to get paid from my opponents because they could hit the flop too.  As you can see, I played check/ call /raise.

Turn I bet 2/3 of the pot and got called.

The queen comes on the river and covers four of a kind for me.

At that moment I did not think and gave a big bet on the river. Оpponent folds.

I got a good pot, but I could have gotten more. Only later I remembered that GGPokerok the jack-pot is paid for four of a kind.  I don't know the exact conditions, but I probably need to get to the opening of the cards, perhaps in Omaha and there is no jackpot.

Кontinental Hockey League (KHL)

Sochi - Lokomotiv Yaroslavl

I will not be verbose. Just watch how these teams have played the last 5 games.

I prefer victory "Lokomotiv Yaroslavl". You can choose another option, total under 5 goal.

Thanks for taking the time to my blog.

Good luck everyone and win.

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