Poker statistics


Today we will discuss the main stats in poker with you:

VPIP. This indicator is one of the most important. It shows how often the opponent plays pots. With VPIP, you can determine the approximate opening range of your opponent. At a 9-player table, a good player's VPIP will be roughly 18-22. At a 6-max table, the stats change and will be 22-28. Basically, the VPIP depends on your playing style.

PFR. Shows how many hands you play through a raise. A good indicator is 16-24%. 

3bet. 6-12% is a good indicator. Often, together with the 3Bet indicator, Fold3Bet is taken into the statistics, from 45 to 60% are considered good indicators.

Check Raise.  Statistics show that our opponent has a strong hand, or he just breaks off ordinary hands. The average figure for ordinary players is 4-7%.

WTSD. Shows how many hands the opponent draws to the river. The average value will be 25-33%. A high indicator tells us that the opponent often pulls unprepared hands before opening.

I have also prepared for you the indicators that a regular should have in different positions for a profitable game.

  • Ep-Mp 10-15 bb/100;
  • Co 25 bb/100;
  • Bu 35 bb/100;
  • Sb -10 bb/100;
  • Bb  -28 bb/100.

Good luck)

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Useful post. GL!!!

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