Post №18. Betting (funny blog)
Today there will be no usual bets on football, basketball or hockey. Today there will be points betting. More precisely, the number of points that the next post in the GambleTalk Bloggers Challenge will lose.
He has the best blog at the moment, writes interestingly and is always interesting to read his blog. Each of his posts loses a few points.
I think his next post will lose less than 3 points.
Nemoruso17, also has an interesting blog, writes about poker software, does reviews. Sometimes he writes about poker and betting.
Each of his posts loses a lot of points. I wish I was wrong, but I think his next post will lose more than 13 points.
Phoenix, a girl who blogs and writes about an interesting game, pineapple.
Each of her posts loses points.
I think her next post will lose more than 9 points.
He blogs and makes predictions for different sports, it turns out pretty good. Each of his posts loses a lot of points. the next post will not stand out and will lose a lot of points.
I think his next post will lose more than 20.5 points.
Results for yesterday.
Lyon-Bayern Munich 0:3 (LOSE)
Boston Bruins-Carolina Hurricanes 2:1 (WIN)
Toronto Raptors-Brooklyn Nets 104:99 (LOSE)
Maroonfish, Nemoruso17, Phoenix you are wonderful and you are great bloggers.
Thanks to everyone who comes in and leaves positive ratings.
Good luck everyone and win.

Good luck!
how is the post?
After your prophecy, I decided to reinsure and take a day off)))
I'm talking about the next post, no matter when it will be))
Funny post :) clever :)
thank. I did my best.