Nice to see you
I signed up with PokerStars today.

I made a 17$ deposit and am planning to play 1$ spins. I will stick to an aggressive bankroll manager. The first day of my game was -3$.
Interesting moments:

In this hand, I played against an opponent who opened every hand. On the flop, he bet 60% of the pot. I call because such an aggressive opponent will bet on any board. On the turn, he checks. I also decide to check as he could have flopped 4 and made a set on the turn. On the river, he bets CBet. I think on a call and at this moment i think about whether my opponent has 4? I figured he didn't have a 4. Since he was playing aggressively, he would have bet the turn with a set. At that point, I think 10 helped him on the river, and now he has a pair of 10. So I decided to go all-in on his CBet. But saw his hand, it was slowplay from the beginning.

A lot of two pair, but he got a straight. Me chances of winning were about 22%. As a result, l got a full house and won against my opponent.

Today l have collected an express train for 4 matches. There is not much to analyze here, mainly bets on favorites.
Good luck ;)
first distribution. Allin is very bad.
First you are happy to see 9, then not happy to see your opponent's hand, and then happy to see 6.
I don’t follow e-sports, show us what will be the result later.
Ok ;)