Relax, take it easy
Hey mates,
Today I spent whole day trying to find inspiration to play after yesterday's devastatingly poker session. Watched old Phil Ivey's videos. This guy was so dedicated to the game, that everyone around knew he will be world's best poker player and this were times of 7 card stud. The interview I watched by Barry Greenstine is so cool and professional. Interesting fact was, that Ivey's grand father was a first african american police officer and his dad is a boxer. I wonder why ivey league project didn't make it to our days!? Among from Patrick Antonious I saw one player at high stakes cash game with Tony G, where Tony was angry, that the guy was taking too long with his decisions. Do you steam, when players take forever to act?
Guess enough of SanSan for today, hola at you tomorrow.

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