RELOAD - Aces A ♥️ A ♠️ cracked
It's nice to be back playing. Really nice, but disappointing to have had my A ♥️ A ♠️ cracked, but could I have played my hand better?
I raised pre flop four times the blinds and was called by two loose players who had already been fighting it out a few pots before when Villain 1 caught top set with KKK versus Villain 2's K ♣️ 4 ♣️. The flop came 2 💎 5 ♠️ 6 ♠️ giving Villain one a four card flush draw. I bet three quarters the pot into both players, playing my monster hand aggressively like I usually do. The second player in folded and Villain one of course called. The turn came a 10 ♣️ and I bet only half the pot. I think this was a mistake as I think I should have bet bigger here to try to drive the player off, but I doubt he would have folded anyway. On the river a ♠️ arrived he went all in and I instantly called, to lose to his flush. In your opinion was I wrong to call here? I felt bad about it, but according to Sklansky I only have to be right 25% of the time (if he is bluffing) to make a profit. Tough luck!
Up till this point I had I had been playing very tight, thinking about my strategy and watching how the other players played very closely. As long as I'm a bit careful with my small buy in at this stage and so if I don't lose a buy in I should be ok against these players. I'm confident and will Report my results.
I didn't tilt. The final hand I played in this short session recouped $2 (after losing my $10 in the 0.05c/0.10c cash game) with 4 4 when I hit a set on the flop of 4 💎 K ♥️ Q ♥️ with two other players in. Due to the texture of the flop I decided to bet three quarters the pot (92c). I got one caller and the turn completed my full house with a K ♣️. I decided to check here although my initial thought was to bet, but I didn't want to lose a customer. He checked, however the river came a very scary looking Q!! So I should have bet the turn. I checked the river unfortunately and the guy showed A ♥️ 5 ♥️ - another mistake on my part; out of few days of practise!!
Thanks for reading and good luck. Enjoy.

Sometimes AA loses, that's poker.
Too true :((