Returning to the books


                                            "A stitch in time saves nine"

This is an expression I introduced recently into one of my English foreign language lessons I taught, but what does it mean, and more importantly how does it relate to my gambling on poker? I won't mention his name, basically out of spite, but the English Prime Minister recently used it in a speech, and it of course had half the nation looking on their phones for the meaning. It means that if you take action now with something (a stitch) then you will prevent future problems from occurring (which will take many more stitches to fix). So how does this relate to my poker playing?

Well what I plan to do, as I've nearly reached the 'doubling up' of my bankroll mark is that I now intend to force myself away from the cash games and to continue to brush up on my overall strategy with some extra reading on the subject. (The stitch).  The reason for me doing so is that despite being a much improved month in November for me when it comes to bankroll building, I sometimes feel that I always forget about the strategy concepts I've learnt and 'just' fall back to thoughtless play, which ultimately leads to some careless moves and sad 😭  losses.    (Bankroll then needing the stitches).

Although there is not always anything wrong with 'playing by instinct' when you are winning, I want to be tough on myself by keeping to a rigid set of rules in order to play the best I can play against the opponents. Experience tells me this is how I must do it. However, with 12 days still to go in the month I'm excited to know how I will progress from here when I do return to the cash games.  I will keep you in the loop!

55s do it again versus AK at the 0.25c/0.50c $25 buy-in max ten table!!

That's twice now! It seems at this level even, the players have a tendency to overplay AK when they hit top pair.


Some books I intend to read...all about old fashioned 'how to play NL Hold'em Poker' stuff.

Bankroll start up: $170

Profit/loss: +90/95%

Current bankroll: $335 (ish)

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I have been playing poker for about 15 years. I play online currently and I've played poker in casinos, card rooms, local games and with friends. I play NL hold'em tournaments and cash games and can also play Pot Limit Omaha, a game I also love.
Comments (2)
Ukraine Vetal Guru
Profit/loss: +90/95%


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Ukraine Vetal Guru

It means that if you take action now with something (a stitch) then you will prevent future problems from occurring (which will take many more stitches to fix).

well said

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