RunnerRunner do) Press fold!)

Nice try 😡

Not in my favor, of course) but still... I went to HM2 and the schedule shows that my game crashes) Don't want 2 write that I can't play, just see streack((( But I'm starting 2 get back 2 my old results) Yesterday, though not played much, just the desire is not there, but on weekend no plans, yet the coronavirus does not sleep, so I prefer 2 sit at home)

I wanted 2 go 2 the lake this summer, but it won't work, although I can go in the fall, but I think there will be even more things 2 do, so I prefer 2 solve them at least a little...

I always do, it's like a game) I have a plan 4 the course of the draw, and then I face difficulties...

Then I thought why not see the turn))) A strange decision on my part, of course, the opponent may have an ace, and the other too...

OUCH! Maaan... Too difficult... Hell, it's an ace, and I have a 9% chance of winning((( What should I do?

Probably the most difficult decision in the last time of the game...) LoL) Of course, U probably think that I'm crazy, and that there is an easy fold, but something I did not let go of this hand) I didn't even know why) It feels awful...

But as it happens, common sense pressed the fold button)) And showed the fifth card...

😫😫 I felt something! 😫😫

I should have stayed in the game 😏... And this happens often) Someone inside me says one thing, and the other says do it differently) I should pay attention 2 this, because if U do not get along with yourself, U can well do something stupid)

So it is with my plans 4 the summer) all these trips 2 the lake) Hiking in the mountains, I invent myself problems and obstacles and refuse 2 enjoy it) maybe I should think differently...

Yeah...) I think that's enough writing 4 today) Yesterday nothing happened at the tables, maybe today I will be lucky and I will get 2 the final table)

See you later, everyone)

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MrKaplin Blocked
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You ain’t the one who feels so bad when the right card pops up but you have folded already and you freaking felt it lol. But you DID make the CORRECT fold so no worries. That’s poker, not the bingo

1 replies
MrKaplin Blocked

Yep) It's hard at times like this... but it works)

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