RunnerRunner do) That not so bad)
I haven't been here 4 a long time. And I have something 2 write about... I was taking a break from my own stupidity)) Ye, it's real. I was looking 4 answers 2 my questions...
Why do I play so poorly?
Why is this happening at all and why am I here?
What is poker 2 me?
How long did it last? Can anyone remember? Who z hell needs me with my poker game) yep?) Look at...
This 10 days at f*ckin hell =( on $1 MTSnG... he is died( really... ou U know at laest 4 me) hah...
Only coolers, only nuts, only taight players... its crazy!((( I created 4 something else... not this game( maybe MTT?
I dont play MTT on PokerStars, I must have more 300 buy-ins 4 play MTT on this poker room((( I haven't so much( But there is another poker room))) Yep) How about 888?) There not so much players and there dosen't need a lot of money) Cool? Thats right?) Ok) I need 2 think...
So what about the questions? U ask me)
I think... I can handle) Why else would it be? 2 make my game better!)
In this game I loose, next game maybe I win! Not otherwise) Show must go on guys!) Don't be sad)
So I got a go 2 correct a situation) I hope 4 my English is not so bad) I just want 2 be learn him and....
...I want 2 win all the money in the world!!! Nice) This was joke) LoL
Okey champion) Meet me at the final table)

don't be sad, you will overcome that!
ye sure) thanks)