RunRun) Ready 2 go)
I wrote 2 U yesterday about my idea for the marathon) this is a really important step for me) let's continue about this) I used 2 open a maximum of six tables, now I will have 2 play nine tables) I think it will not be so difficult, because on the one hand my opening range will be reduced, I will finally go through a cold-call less) on the other hand, in the case of deeprun and the HU game, I will need 2 play fast 😎
Also, the time spent on a daily game will be more than 12 hours, I can't yet figure out exactly what time of day is best 2 play... In General, in my time zone it is somewhere from seven in the evening 2 seven in the morning) is not the best time, but what can U do?) Although, lately I go 2 bed at about five in the morning, in fact, it is not very good for the body 😐
As for my food during the marathon, I think that I will only have 2 have a normal breakfast, and otherwise have time 2 eat during the 5 minute break) hah) Not the best side of the marathon) I hope my stomach doesn't hurt too much and I don't have 2 keep playing from the toilet) lol
Of course I won't have any days off in a month) I just don't have enough time for this) the main thing would be enough for sleep, I allocated him 7 hours) Well, about the room repair will have 2 forget for a while) although I'm used 2 It 😜
Okay) This is all small things) the main thing is the goal of the marathon, I chose the number of hands played, namely 100k per month, on MTSnG 45max and 90max for $0.25, it will turn out somewhere in the amount of 1000 games) Do U think I can?) I think I should be able 2 do it, but it's definitely not going 2 be easy 😎

are you motivated to do that? and if yes, how it's your thinking, what keeps your head up?
I just haven't come up with anything clever yet) So I decided 2 play as much as possible)
But you are waiting the moment of the day, when ure sitting at the tables, right? How?
I ask you with a strong reason...
Buddy, I'm training for a marathon)