Session #6 = Confidence

Hey! A new sunday, new results and new way to go forward.

Played several mtts from 12AM. Streamed.

Today i registered a RECORD in the run for the 10 x 150$ tickets for GGMasters.... i finished on 32th, after a mistake calling wth A9o to a 8BB shove from the middle.... It's my dream to play one time this event :)

This was the best hand of tournament:

I cashed in most of the 1-2$ buyins, reaching more than 110$ Bankroll.

From now on i will play mega-sessions with 1-2(somethimes 5)$ buyin OR satellites from same stack into big jumping events. Like today:

It will be fun! Let's see the results :) (i will update as soon as i have some positive result). GG GL N8!

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Regular recreational player. Get rich or try bluffin'!
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Good luck mate!

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