Short deck tourney journey

Good day GambleTalk,

I have been playing short deck, since it's first appearance at Pokerstars and find it really fun and interesting for me. Once I even had a marathon from 5$ to 500$, which I stopped at 385$, because I had to leave to China for work. Just recently this year, before quarantine started, I had some impressive results, playing 6+ cash.

After my Ai poker bots investigation I decided to quit playing NLH and switch to other games, although short deck is still a varity of NLH and can be part of unfair gaming - I chose to play a small buy-in tourney today, because at HighStakes were no players to play and the tourney started a min before I opened the lobby.

First part of the tourney I was playing very loose and managed to build a huge stack, which I kept all the way to final table. Unfortunatly or not, I only started to printscreen hands closer to the end of the tourney. So here is what I saved:

1)This guy was doing some very stupid moves and I was so glad he was out.

2) This guy was playing well, but had little chips, so I had to call his all-in on the flop, plus I had a lot of outs. Sorry dude!

3)This player, from Romania was very aggressive and playing dumb. He could've call my raise, but instead he shoved. Cya!

Remaining players kept asking to deal, but I didn't want it, untill this hand:

The pay jumps were quite big, so I pressed the button and we made a devastating for me ICM deal. I didn't want to negotiate with them, 2 players were muted, because they were spamming some bsht all final table and the next hand pushed my AJo just to end it. Guy got quads again! This is short deck 😁

Even though I didn't win the tourney I had a good time and a 20$ bankroll boost, which will help me get more into the mixed games.

Hope you had a good time reading my post,

Best of luck!



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