Sh*t happens. Constantly...

And so, after my crazy run on hyper turbo heads-up, PokerStars decided to give me a ticket for 109 bucks on EPT online) Quite a generous gift, isn't it? 😎 But I think it is well deserved, otherwise, such madness in the SnG game can not be called normal) So, I decided to add another one to this ticket, for 22 bucks, winning it in spin-n-go for 7.50, and I did it the first time! Maybe I'm playing the wrong game, what do you think? 😏 Well, all right, these tickets, I was offered to spend on satellites to larger events, but I did not do this, because these satellites are played by strong players, and as U remember, I am a loser))) As a result, I found some tournaments, but with a very inconvenient structure for me, but I could sell these tickets with minimal profit, but as usual, it happened like this:

Do U know this guy? It's me! 😫 I might have won something in these tournaments, but as I wrote to U earlier, my "shitty trip" didn't allow me to) what can I do about it, I don't know... How I hate myself in such cases, it's terrible... And even no experience can be extracted from such a game, OMG! I just even don't remember how I playing in this tourney 😰 There is only one experience here - it's complete shit to play drunk, that's all! Don't do that guys! I hope something changes in me after this... I don't even know...


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