Slang of Texas Hold'em. Part 11. Hand 88 - Part 2
Hi, Guys!
Today we will continue to consider the nicknames of the hand 88. We are waiting for the next 7 nicknames of this slang-rich hand.
7. Two Fat Ladies
Two eights look like two fat ladies. This nickname is borrowed from the game bingo.
8. Laces
Two eights look like shoe laces
9. Pretzels
Two eights look like two pretzels
10. Wurlitzer
The Wurlitzer electric piano also has 88 keys.
11. Time Travel
88 mph is a speed that used for the time-traveling in the trilogy the Back to The Future.
12. Infinity on the Side
Looks like two infinity symbols on their side.
13. Ovechkin
Russian hockey player Alexander Ovechkin plays at number 8.

Nice post, but little poker
With slangs here only in English))
We need two Ovechkin)))))))) For this hand)))