Slang of Texas Hold'em. Part 17 - 44 - Part 2
Hi, Guys!
Let's look at second part Slang of hand 44. Today is 5 nicknames else.
6. The Harley (4♠ 4♣)
Favorite hand of BCP pro Harley Quin after flopping quads with these hole cards: "The Fours are strong with this one..."
7. Dark Force (4♠ 4♣)
Dark Side Of The Fours. Actually, I don't understand this nickname and explanation. If you understand, you can write in comment. As I understood it from Star wars, but I didn't watch any part)))
8. Darth Vader (4♠ 4♣)
The two black fours are the "Dark Side of the Fours". It's Star Wars again.
9. Luke Skywalker
"May the Fours be with you." Usually referenced with one black four, and one red four. And this.
10. Princess Leia (4♥ 4♦)
An extension of the Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader reference

never fold fours)
Really?!?! Even If opponents push on the pre-flop from an early position?
hahaha of course not)