Slang of Texas Hold'em. Part 2.

Hi, guys!

The poker community has come up with a lot of interesting nicknames for various poker hands. Let's look at the nicknames for the KK hand. I chose the most interesting of the known nicknames for this hand.

You can see the first part of "Slang of Texas Holdem", here: AA

1. Ace Magnets

Ace is the once card that you don't want to see on the board when you have KK hole cards.

2. Cowboys

This nickname is probably the most frequently used for this hand. Origin of nickname is connected with an association between poker, cowboys, and Wild West, the similarity between the K of King and ะก of Cowboy and both King and Cowboy are male characters.

3. Brokeback

Brokeback Mountain is a film about two cowboys. After the film was represented brokeback became the nickname of KK.

4. Knights

Knights are associated with kings of the days of feudalism which are illustrated on playing cards.

5. Kangaroos

Kangaroos are used in children's alphabet books to illustrate a K.

6. King-Kong and Gorillas

King-Kong is an alliteration by the first symbols. Gorillas are descended from King-Kong.

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