Slang of Texas Hold'em. Part 20 - KQ - Part 2

Hi, Guys!

Yesterday we reviewed only part of the nicknames for the KQ hand. Let's look at the rest today.

1. Othello (offsuit)

It is a reference to a tragedy "Othello" by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1603.

2. Royal couple

King and Queen are the Royal Couple.

3. King of Queens

King of Queens is a popular American comedy series about a married couple, Doug and Kerry Heffernen, and Kerry's father, Arthur, who live under the same roof.

4. Throne

Every king and queen should have a throne.

5. Valentine's Day (K♥Q♥)

Matching pair, both show their hearts

Previous post: Slang of Texas Hold'em. Part 19. - KQ - Part 1


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