Slang of Texas Hold'em. Part 31 - K2
Hi, Guys!
Today we have the last hand with K high. This hand is K2.
1. Big Fritz (suited)
An unconfirmed reference to German poker player Andreas Fritz.
2. Donald
It's a reference to Donald Duck, the rich duck from Disney. Two is also known by the nickname duck.
3. Hand of the Night
It's a reference created by Chris Hinst during his weekly poker night. Named because he kept getting this same hand.
Previous post: Slang of Texas Hold'em. Part 30 - K3
Here you can find all links to past posts on the specified hands:
A2+, 22+ - Slang of Texas Hold'em: Guide to all posts Pocket Pairs and A high

Chris Hinst goes all-in on the board AQKK2.
Аll pass