So, we continue the analysis hands through flopzilla.
So, we continue the analysis hands through flopzilla.
After assessing the range of the opponent on the flop you need to make an assessment on the turn and river
We evaluate the change in the spectrum taking into account the structure of the board and the opponent’s line
What do we do on the next streets after the flop?
We take and narrow down the range of the rival, forming his final form ...
It sounds very simple, but often mistakes are made on the turn and river due to wrong assessment. The largest banks are formed on the last two streets, so mistakes are more expensive and it is very important to learn how to correctly evaluate the spectrum taking into account the structure of the board and the gaming lines.
And in order to do this correctly, you need to regularly practice this, and ask for an outside perspective of poker comrades, preferably more experienced ones who can point out mistakes.
Let's continue with our example
We bet ⅔
opponent continued with this spectrum
fold equity = 70%
Pot on Turn 4.5 + 6 = 10.5BB
This is how its spectrum looks now on the ace that came out
What we see, now 54% of the hands will be the range of the top pair + and Flush Draw
And this means that it will be problematic for us to put pressure on its spectrum on such a runout, but not everything is so bad)
After all, there is still 46% of the spectrum, in the form of weak 5x pairs and 66-88 pockets
And just this spectrum we can knock out and here it is important for us to choose the optimal size.
I would choose between two sizes ⅔ and ½. In general, I think ½ will be enough against most regulars, that is, with the necessary fold equity in 33%, we have 46%.
River Blan (2)
What do we see
The opponent has a very strong range, which in general often happens on the river))
Although, in fact, if we bet on the river ⅔ then it will usually be very difficult for our opponent to call for the top
that is, at a rate of ⅔ we need 40% of the fold equity, with a possible 44%.
And now our task is to determine whether the regular is capable of “Hero Call” or not, and then we will either add bluffs to the spectrum or completely abandon them, but we are not building a GTO poker strategy)
I’m mainly guided by statistics and blockers when making decisions. You can bluff your hands like JT KJ and by the showdown already understand whether the opponent is called A-high or not. Usually, if I see that the opponent calls A-high, I write him the notes “Hero calls” and shift all hands in such situations to the side of rejecting marginal bluffs.
Of course, playing already good limits, we are forced to use the range of bluffing (otherwise nothing will be paid for us), but the opposition is forced to call a part of A-high to keep the defense frequency.
That's all for this example.
Ask your questions.
Further, I think we will take more complicated examples.

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