The blue seal #16 Session = The day session and the 33$ ticket!

The session from today was totally streamed!

We had big advantages to increase our bankroll, but with all our bad luck we cashed 14$ profit . Here there are some of the most important moments:

We started with a nice twice AA in a row! I won both hands, because i played them aggresive.

Couldn't hesitate to call with Ax at the shove from BTN...he won with Kx...BUBBLE!

This was a hard one! flush vs flush , i lost with Khigh flush...flop nutzed

Cashed but lost 80% of my stack vs a player that limped Q2s from mdl....was preety hard to fold vs him...

Really happy catching this ticket! Its a KO mtt....

Flopping the nuts ...well, all of us hahaa:)

Can't understand why AK doesn't won vs AQ latelly at me....


MOst of the mtts near bubble lost...

3betting strong w AJo....hmm....that flop with his set? After the turn i was shure he had no quads...but near. too bad!

Boring to play other mtts with no positive mind...

And the hand that helped my session!

Bankroll : 544.60$

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Regular recreational player. Get rich or try bluffin'!
Comments (4)
Ukraine Vetal Guru

three players have AK and the nuts on the flop)))

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Ukraine Vetal Guru

7 on the river, very lucky

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Ukraine Vetal Guru

do you watch football?  Champions League.

1 replies

nope, i like fotball only like a sport for myself :))

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