The white seal #3 Session

As i said in the last Session #2, i made a big mistake, trying to increased my entire bankroll into one cash table (without any rake). At my first impression was ok, because these values are so infinite small ( played with few ¢ to win 10-20Chips), but when coolers come, you have no power to stop them! It's ok, was my decision. The bad part is that, the next step is to wait untill the next freerolls comes...

I am so curious if, Sunday i can play this mtt "BitAce Freeroll" which have a private password. I saw on them site, that i must only subscribe with my mail adress and i will receive the password before mtt starts. This tournament will have  a big impact of my bankroll!

The last winnings event:

BANKROLL: 2.1 Chips

Next step will be at 40Chips, when i will be able to create Krills ( these are like rake points, and with 500+ i will be able to play all 200Chips GTD events), and radical increasing my chips amount.

As always, i will share some other nice events that i won in the same sessions:

Won some bucks with aces into a 6-Omaha Game, which i don't really often play....

Lost (or win) on 63place with a flip: i shoved TT (20 bb), being called with AT and he hits flush on T. Too bad :)

For everyone that want to see me in action, tomorrow after 20PM and Sunday after 16PM (CEST Time) i will be online on my twitch chanell.

GL at the tables!

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Regular recreational player. Get rich or try bluffin'!
Comments (3)
Ukraine Vetal Guru

Is the RNG tweaked?

2 replies

which of them?

Ukraine Vetal Guru

this is no longer relevant.

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