Thinking by spectrums
I was promise to explain about thinking by spectrums, I think it might be useful for someone.
Thinking with ranges is a basic skill that can be very cool in terms of BB / 100 in combination with a discipline. The skill to see the ranges helps to earn more and grow faster in limits. When you imagine a possible range of hands in your head, it’s easier to pick up situations:
• For bluffs.
• For thin value bets.
• For strong stakes, revealing bluffs
• For strong folds.
The game from the spectrum is not a game according to patterns. There are a spectrum of the opponent, cards on the board, our action and we are constantly in the mode of pondering.
Correct visualization of the spectrum from flopzilla is the most important thing if you distribute the spectrum correctly to each opponent and build your game from him. It will be unreal cool if you can clearly understand how your opponent sees your spectrum. This is necessary when you exploit the situation of a strong range, adding a bunch of unbalanced bluffs and a turn, you have double-digit win rates, at least at low limits.
Evenly, I think all of these GTO coaches, etc., are basically a players' money scam because it’s not cheap. And even at high stakes, many do not play optimally.
Evenly, I think all of these GTO coaches, etc., are basically a players' money scam because it’s not cheap. And even at high stakes, many do not play optimally.
Yes, if you play zoom 500 stars it certainly is necessary, but I doubt that someone from those who read me now, plays nl600-2k in regular squads. Now there are a lot of GTO packs, etc., and people jerk them off, instead of honing their thinking with spectra in flopzilla and understanding and figuring out how to use the players in their field. Do not do that! The good old flopzilla for the beginning and in the future Cardrunners EV, this is almost completely enough to rise to average limits. Yes, and the analysis of their stats through the tracker
Okay, I’ll tell you further in the following blog post.
Good to all, stay strong and be healthy!