Three hands of the day

Good day mates,

Hand 1:

The guy kept limping all his hands, doesn't matter premium or trash. Flop and turn he called my bets, river I check/call. Unlucky or you think I could find a fold there?

Hand 2:

Same guy, different hand. He limps, I isolate, he calls flop and turn, I check river. I don't think if I push he folded, he just kept limping and calling.

Hand 3:

This one got me a little tilted, our guy, from previos two hands limps, I isolate, SB just calls. Flop they both check, I bet, SB goes for a 3bet all-in, guy marked green goes all-in, I thought a little and pressed call. Brutal, but we managed to chop this one.

Have a nice day,



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are u win last?)

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