We are living in America

Hello everybody!

I desided to write about the United States of America a little bit more.

  1. I want to get somebody to read me from Russian blogers (maybe just watch a pictures)))))).
  2. I have couple followers who likes this theme.
  3. I like to tell this dream story.

About gambling.

Today morning almost played to roulette in casino (sorry for grammar, try to do my best).  Online casino of course.

Why? I'm shame to tell this. Because of blog! I don't know how to separate two languages of site)))).

I need to be different and unique.

Problem was solved when i sent my ask in the universe. And it answered me.

It's advertising about present (Holdem Manager 3 free of charge).

Unfortunatelly, it's just for one year. But, anyway, I want it!

What you need to do.  

You need to choose any new room for you, make deposit and bring some rakeback.

If somebode need link - text me.

I start to choose a new room...

In the end I've got competion beetwen Americas Cardroom and 2pokerdom.com.     

Firstly, i'm not even thought about choice. It's english blog - I need english room. But in next step, I cheked everything, had thinking a lot. And i had one good idea! I will play in russian room! And will tell about it in english blog! It's for international friendship, international advertising.

And maybe some people will start to learn Russian language for play in Russian room)))))

Good luck everybody!

Thank you for reading!

See you soon here with couple results from new room)))))

P. S. If you know something about this rooms tell me right here below the blog. 

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