Welcome! Again.........

Hello everybody!

Let me introduce myself.

My name is Alex. From Russia. I like to play poker and love all gambling.

Why? ‘cause Our life is game, our life it’s pure, truly gambling!

Of cause I like to write blog in here else.

In my first English blog I wanted to say about my disappointment of this competition… But yesterday, error of this site, ok, not error, but really problem of this site helped me to lose every single word. Just one wrong click and nothing… I was very angry and I wrote about that. So, what I wanted to say… For us, cardmates bloggers, we need autosave function!

It’s very interesting… Will somebody read my blog from administration on English version, cause in Russian all my proposals with no answers…

What else funny? Why we have two different competitions on different languages? It’s strange, isn’t it?

Alright. Enough.

Next chapters will about kindness.

Good luck to all! Thank you for reading my blog.


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2 replies

Hi there!))) Nice to see you here))))))


Welcome to the English version :)

1 replies


Ukraine Vetal Guru

Will somebody read my blog from administration on English version, cause in Russian all my proposals with no answers…

I think they always read us.

1 replies

But unswer only chosen ones

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