Welcome back agaaain!!!

Yesterday I had a Saturday game, it lasted until the morning, and then I couldn't sleep for a long time, because my head hurt so much that it seemed like it was going to burst. I think that's how the weather affects my health, not these freaking bad beats... Yes, of course, U guessed it! I can't win anything, I'm probably just losing! Someone constantly complains that they can't win in the coin flip, but I, for my part, can't win with 80% equity!!! This is terrible and unbearable! Yesterday, apparently, was continued... 😐

I lost yesterday, about 40 bucks! I started in the tournament for $3.30, sat in it for a long time, I was dealt bad hands, and my stack was reduced due to the growth of the blinds, in the end, I went all-in and got into the cooler! Damn it... 😡

This was just the beginning) I finally fell into a tilt after losing in the bounty Builder for $11, I did not qualify for it from satellites, I entered directly, and after a while left the tournament, in such a terrible hand! Oh, yes) this is my line of play.

Another $3.30 tournament, and how I couldn't fold a runner-runner to a weak player...

And then there are tournaments for $2.20, and also, I left these tournaments because of a cold- call from weak players, RNG does not spare me against them... 😒

Next, in the knockout tournament for $4.40, I played well, but then ran into trouble, and began to play worse, later I made a very bad decision and left the game... 😐

In parallel, I played MTSnG knockout for 1.50 bucks, and it seems I reached the prize money, but shit happens) And if you went all-in at the table, and some tight player is calling, and there are a lot of them, then U can be sure that he has pocket aces) Terribly... 😡

The epic ending of my game yesterday was that I was selected from the satellite to the Bounty Builder for $7.50 😏 The satellite was a little longer than usual, and I got into the tournament with a stack of only 30 blinds) The first hand is a pocket 55, I folded them) Then I got pocket queens and...

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