4 hands against calling station...
Hi, Guy!
I played SNG 6-max No-Limit Hold'em yesterday. I play bad against a calling station and don't know when I should bet or just check.
Today I want to show you 4 hands that I played in SNG yesterday.
My opponent was calling station with VPIP 93-100%. He played with all the hands he got.
#1: First bluff catcher...
In this hand, I bet two barrels. On the river, the opponent put a small bet. I didn't believe it and called his bet.
#2: Second bluff catcher
I got a pocket KK. But the flop, turn and river was creepy. But I again did not believe the opponent and I called his bet on the river.
#3: Cooler...
After getting a pocket AA and a set on the river, I was unable to reset in response to an all-in opponent.
#4: Fear...
I got a pocket pair again. When turn gave me a set I got scared and put All-in. Actually it was mistake. I couldn't get my opponent to drop a stronger hand like KT, AA here, and in other cases, I was far ahead.
What are you think about 2 last hands? How would you play them?

so hard to play against the calling station!
But as a result u won, so it was a nice play :)
I could get more)))
Interesting story thanks 👍
How do you play against the calling station? Are you just checking or raising?