A huge thanks to cardmates.net and it's bloggers

This blog post will be dedicated to saying a big thank you to all the editors, staff and especially all the other bloggers on cardmates.net, before I continue with talking poker tactics (advanced pre-flop strategy II) and discussing my forward plans for playing on cash game tables this month.  

I have felt very welcomed since first joining this blog site, and I think that the current point scoring system is excellent (positive and negative), because it is well regulated to ensure there continues to exist a kind and fair spirited blog community.  I do agree with maomax1223 that the blogs don't get automatically saved as you write which meant I also lost quite a bit of writing (and time) a few times when writing some of the first blogs on this site.  However, this problem was fairly easy to get around, as I either wrote the blog on another document or just made sure I saved it every 5-10 minutes.  The cardmates feature allows you to return to finishing the draft whenever you want.

The main upsides so far I've liked about cardmates.net is the interaction with the other bloggers and the positive response I've received from the community so far.  Ofcourse the competition itself is absolutely brilliant and it motivates us writers to keep coming back with better and more interesting posts as we can.

Last month's prize finish was the first ever prize I've won through writing and I just wanted to express the fact to everyone here how grateful I am for the opportunity with this competition!  It has also allowed me to gain some genuine perspective on my own game and provided a chance to discover my own strengths and weaknesses and thought processes (as well as sharing with you some of my poker experiences ofcourse) when it comes to playing NL Texas Hold'em and PL Omaha.  

Overall, the writing has been a therapeutic outlet and release of ideas bottled inside of me and pushes me to think of new ways of thinking too, in order to create posts worth sharing.  I hope you find my blog posts interesting and I am always happy to receive comments which are both praising and also 'constructively criticising'.  

'"Kind speech is not always kind." 'Generally, of course, a gentle word or compliment is most conducive to serenity, goodwill, and waking up (enlightenment).  But, just as you would not refuse to vaccinate your child because the procedure is painful, once in a while there's that fleeting moment where the kindest thing you can do for another is to utter a severe word or sharp observation that may hurt momentarily.  The child who's about to dash into a busy street may need to be sharply told to stop.'  (Buddhism, Plain and Simple)

Once again, thank you everybody and I look forward to reading more of your interesting gambling stories this month.  With my new plan of action for taking on the micro stakes cash table, for the time being, I will keep a track of how I do and let you know how I get on when applying a lot of the ideas and concepts I've been talking about in my posts. (Patience, hand reading and pre flop strategy play).

Next blog posts:  Advanced Preflop Stategy II - My poker cash game plan of action

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I have been playing poker for about 15 years. I play online currently and I've played poker in casinos, card rooms, local games and with friends. I play NL hold'em tournaments and cash games and can also play Pot Limit Omaha, a game I also love.
Comments (8)
Advanced Preflop Stategy II - My poker cash game plan of action

Waiting ;) 

1 replies
Coming up!

Thanks for you being here :)

1 replies

Thank you 🙏

Ukraine Vetal Guru

What did you do with the winnings?

1 replies

I also thought about buying a house in Europe :)

Ukraine Vetal Guru

I don't always agree that a vaccine is needed.

1 replies
Invested it into playing poker 🤙
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