Analysis of the game at the final table. p.1

Yesterday I played a MTSnG, and go to the final table) the tournament was 45max with a turbo structure, yep, I previously wrote that I have no desire to play in such games, but since I was advised to learn this game, I still began to try) And so, today I want to use the ICMIZER program to analyze my game, not in the entire tournament, but only on the final table) For some reason, I felt that I didn't play the best way, and I should learn some preflop all-ins. Let me show U what I did 😏

By the way, every time, more and more, I begin to understand that my posts mostly relate to the graphic message, rather than long text outpourings) I probably would be happy to write a little more than usual, but all these screenshots drag me in as I work on them) And thus, it takes so much time, I don't even know if it's normal or not) heh) Okay, let's get started 😎 On top of each picture, I will write what action I took at the table.

1 - I went all-in and won 💪

2 - I folded...😐

3 - I folded again...😑

4 - Guess what I did? 😜

5 - I folded and it was the right choice) yep)

6 - And then I went all-in! 😉

7 - And here it is interesting, I clicked on the fold, which is an mistake, but on the button turned out to have pocket aces)) I was lucky 😜

8 - I folded pocket 44, this is a mistake, but not a strong one)

9 - A difficult decision, but I was able to folded 😏

Well, as usual, I will have to finish at the most interesting place, since my screenshots are too voluminous for one post, and in this case, the rest of the game analysis remains for the next post) lol) In general, I like to use this program, if I work with it enough time, I can learn to play well in turbo structures, and not only) So, I advise everyone try to use it) Okay guys, U can see that I'm not playing very well, but I think I'll still get better) I've been working on this post for five hours now... So, let's see U tomorrow! 😉

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