Cryptocurrency invades poker = A new era???
In the last weeks i tried to find some new poker rooms. Reason? I was bored of all grind poker designs that i use....and sincerelly, the "boring" is the biggest problem in poker. You cannot advance in a personal quest if you are totally bored or not addict :P.
I found a lot of, and after reviews i was registered on 4 of them. Was fun, lots of freerolls and satellites. Was a nice break from my normal sessions! Try that, its like a PPSR (personal poker skills reset)! From all of these 4 poker rooms, in one of them i construct a massive bankroll which allow me to play the main events. Its nice to know 80-90% of the poker players that are sitting on cash tables.
In this way you see them evolution and from who you may be aware or...eating entire!
As a recreational poker player, and an amateur streamer i really want to represent a brand, playing poker and to give some help to others players ( help that i didn't had now 11 years when i played my first poker hand). Only with small poker rooms i can have this oportunity. For example, today i will play the main event, which it's an amazing tournament: 2500$GTD - buyin 27$ and no more than 30 players! (I will stream this on my twitch channell)
Cryptocurrencies invade most of the online businesses. I am still sceptic, because i don't know how it propertly works. I will try using with small amounts and to see what's about. I see so many advertising, but i understand that are only interests for big companies. All i know for now it's that you need a "Wallet". I will start to find the best way to have one :)). On my first withdraw i will tell you my personal opinion.
Only trying we can learn to trust in it!
PS: My friends are always saying to be aware from this: don't invest more than you can loose. It's like in poker, right?
That's why i like it.....