Deviles2006^ Directions of works and system approach in poker
Let's start, I promised to tell you in which areas you need to work and how to prevent your efforts from being wasted. It is very important to pump yourself in 3 directions to make money in poker and become a cool professional:
- Poker Strategy Poker
- Psychology
- Poker Practice
If you work hard in all these three areas, then you can rise to high limits and be there not a fish, but a shark. And you can easily earn 5-6-10 thousand per month by the game at these limits. In 2008, when I came to poker, there were few materials and even less about how to work on the game and nothing about the systematic approach. Everyone taught the rules and the strategy and tried as best they could play)
Let's see what kind of model it is.
If you work a lot on the game, but at the same time you do not have a psychological component, you will break into tilt or you simply will have no motivation to play. In this case, you will hardly get high and earn this money for which you came to poker.
So, without pumping poker psychology, you can earn as you can see from the image, but not enough.
There are other situations: everything is fine with psychology, and with the strategy too, but you don’t spend enough time practicing. This will lead you to become a great theoretician but with no money.
Also if everything is good with psychology, and you practice a lot, but the strategy is bad, you will not understand the reasons for bets, with which hands of pluses you have to play or not, then you will not see money either.
The first thing you need to do is evaluate each direction in the category from 0 to 10 and understand where to put additional efforts.
In which direction are you not good enough? What exactly do you need to improve - your strategy, psychology, or practice? Which area is the worst? What is the problem?