Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor...

Hi, everybody!

Today I played quite a standard session:

Inside me as if something shouts, I should sit down and write at least a couple of lines...

Frankly speaking, I don't even know what I'm going to write about, it's just that some kind of storm covers all of me from inside.....

Most likely "this storm" is somehow related to my poker business at.

For the third day in a row, I can't find the strength to sit down easily, I do anything - family, repairs, stores, beer, billiards, but not the rink...

It must have been related to my last disappointment, to the random results of my sessions.

I don't like to cry to fate, let alone poker, but I can and want to say with certainty that the downstrike spoiled my A-game and I rolled over to a very bad and most importantly rash and instant poker.

Once, I have already described my opinion about the downstrike...

Let many people not agree with me and they have the right to do so, but my personal opinion:

If you hit the limit, there is more than one downtownstrike who can't help you to end the month badly!

Of course you have to play the sane distance for that month. 

If you end the month in minus, it means that you are not hitting your limit and point!

How do I know this?

I bet that not one of you hasn't won back at least 50K on play money (although I may be wrong, but still unlikely) .

I in turn had to play a bunch of hours and hands on Play money and nl2, nl5, nl10, nl16, nl25, nl50 and nl100 and I can tell you with certainty that you will fuck everywhere, whether you want it or not!

Thank you for your attention, bye! ;)

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Ukraine Vetal Guru

Play money must be left in the past

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