Focusing on Poker

Other than work of's got to be done...that's life!

In November, the month of the Scorpios, I will be mainly turning my attention to playing poker (at the best of my ability) to see how far I can progress my bankroll.  For a long time now, I have constantly found myself with empty hands at the end of the month, despite playing excellent poker consistently, either because I've cashed out too early or played on those (duh-duh-duh) football bets... it won't happen this time I tell you!

So far, simply selecting good starting hands in the appropriate positions has worked well at the 0.05c/0.10c micro stakes level...almost too something must be wrong! What's going on?  Let's hope this lasts.  I tread carefully and will keep you informed on my progress.  I stay positive about it all.

This is a very short post today...busy busy busy!

Next up: the importance of thinking about pot odds

Take care - Maroonfish

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I have been playing poker for about 15 years. I play online currently and I've played poker in casinos, card rooms, local games and with friends. I play NL hold'em tournaments and cash games and can also play Pot Limit Omaha, a game I also love.
Comments (2)
Avocado Fan

Gl, bro! I will follow your progress 😀 

1 replies
Maroonfish Expert

Thanks...I'm treading super carefully this month :) super tight game #watch this space

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