Future destination: FAMILY or POKER?

Few years ago, as a loved student i've learned a lot about poker and hit some good results. I uploaded one of my best results in this post.... In that time, i made some big meditations about poker (or my life like a  poker player). I was good , i had a lot of patience, and everyday all the things that i must done i called them "routine" and finally sitting at my mtts becomed my "targets life". I was dreaming big, and my risks were small for a huge target. If i had a friend like "i am now= 10 years later", i could say that this guy it's crazy conservative. I was involved only in targets like mtts with 10k players , and the first 3-5 won a big qualification to a live event or a major online mtt. I can say i won some of them. I can find in my archive some of:

And the list can go's on....

Finally,later i finished my college and i said to myself : now i can start my poker carrer. After 2 years of playing poker, i understanded the problems of "not working", you must pay everything. No insurances, the bills comes every month, the rent (near 130$ in that time), all the nights unsleep costs. And every month i must withdraw for all of these kinds of costs. So, i took a job ( 8 hours/ 5 day/week) so i can let my bankrolls intact. Was a nice period, i consider myself a dark legend ( i bought a car, all the gadgets that i wanted, evey week some party etc.), but inside me .... i remain the guy who doesn't sleep all the nights...

ONE DAY i met her! Bla bla.... and after few years, i considered that in LIFE you must do everything right! And it's enought place for gambling also, but not how much you want!

I was a video : what are "money" and "who created them" and "why?". I understand that money are just fake, they don't exist. Are only tickets(cecs) from the banks that ensured your gold or diamonts... And somehow that works and steal our "energies" every 8 hours/day 5days/week etc. Which is not fair. But realistic.

There are so many poker players that had succed, but have leaks in social lives.... On every table that i was played, i had a target ( the "ugly soul" ) and when i bust them : They become tilt and asks "why ure doing this moves?". Only one answer: I need a normal table with normal people ( and somehow, i could speak more things at the final tables).

And i write all of these when my child sleeping in his bet...

What you would choose?

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Regular recreational player. Get rich or try bluffin'!
Comments (4)

Everyone decides for themselves what is important to them. There are people who don't want to have a family. There are people who want to spend all their timу on one thing in life: poker, science, work, traveling, or something else.

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Maybe some of them will disappoint in their choice, someone will not at the end of life.

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i choise poker)
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I dont wanna choose one - I want to combine poker and personal life! hope that I will be able to do it...

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