Future destination: FAMILY or POKER?
Few years ago, as a loved student i've learned a lot about poker and hit some good results. I uploaded one of my best results in this post.... In that time, i made some big meditations about poker (or my life like a poker player). I was good , i had a lot of patience, and everyday all the things that i must done i called them "routine" and finally sitting at my mtts becomed my "targets life". I was dreaming big, and my risks were small for a huge target. If i had a friend like "i am now= 10 years later", i could say that this guy it's crazy conservative. I was involved only in targets like mtts with 10k players , and the first 3-5 won a big qualification to a live event or a major online mtt. I can say i won some of them. I can find in my archive some of:
And the list can go's on....
Finally,later i finished my college and i said to myself : now i can start my poker carrer. After 2 years of playing poker, i understanded the problems of "not working", you must pay everything. No insurances, the bills comes every month, the rent (near 130$ in that time), all the nights unsleep costs. And every month i must withdraw for all of these kinds of costs. So, i took a job ( 8 hours/ 5 day/week) so i can let my bankrolls intact. Was a nice period, i consider myself a dark legend ( i bought a car, all the gadgets that i wanted, evey week some party etc.), but inside me .... i remain the guy who doesn't sleep all the nights...
ONE DAY i met her! Bla bla.... and after few years, i considered that in LIFE you must do everything right! And it's enought place for gambling also, but not how much you want!
I was a video : what are "money" and "who created them" and "why?". I understand that money are just fake, they don't exist. Are only tickets(cecs) from the banks that ensured your gold or diamonts... And somehow that works and steal our "energies" every 8 hours/day 5days/week etc. Which is not fair. But realistic.
There are so many poker players that had succed, but have leaks in social lives.... On every table that i was played, i had a target ( the "ugly soul" ) and when i bust them : They become tilt and asks "why ure doing this moves?". Only one answer: I need a normal table with normal people ( and somehow, i could speak more things at the final tables).
And i write all of these when my child sleeping in his bet...
What you would choose?

Everyone decides for themselves what is important to them. There are people who don't want to have a family. There are people who want to spend all their timу on one thing in life: poker, science, work, traveling, or something else.
Maybe some of them will disappoint in their choice, someone will not at the end of life.
I dont wanna choose one - I want to combine poker and personal life! hope that I will be able to do it...