Hello guys! How are you?

Hello everybody!

Today it will be a blog about few interesting stories)))

1. Main picture is, how you guess, from my vacation)))) I was in the capital of russian poker)))))

First picture from vacation too. And it's my proud! Why? Because i have never been in real casino. You see? Behind me. I'm still never been)))))))))))))))))) But I was in entrance!)))))))))))))))

Guard told that i can't photograph people, because I don't have a permit))))) I was really nice and correct)))))

The End.

2. I so love a poker. Especially offline. That's why I always make a game, plan a poker day))))

On second picture you can see my last birthday.

We rented a something like room in the night club. It wasn't weekend, so there was quait and pretty empty.

How you can see I have good chips, good cards, but bad cover)))) From black jack))))

It's ok.

Green is enought for us))))))))))))))))) 

You know, I noticed one strange thing... In online poker I prefer the cash games, but when we play with friends it's always is tournament))))))

3. Last picture from America)))) 

It's story about culture. You see basketball pictures?

You know why?

I the United states of America they have few sport specialised Mac Donalds! With football, basketball, baseball, hockey...

 It's very very interesting! You can feel and touch real american history in most of american cafe!

Goodbye guys!

Follow your star and don't scare your dreams!

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Yeap! Eh!)))))))

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