HUD settings for PokerTracker 4

HUD for Poker Tracker 4

In this article we will tell you about HUD, that is the most important PokerTracker 4 function. You can read about the program in more details in our article about PokerTracker.

Those of you, who don’t know what HUD means (Heads-Up Display), it is an informational display that depicts the statistical indicators (hereinafter referred to as “stat”) for every player (including yourself) during the poker game. With HUD, you operate with much more information that you would not have without it.

As it is well known, the more hands are played with an opponent, the better you know his behavior in a specific situation. With the help of HUD, apart from your own observations, all possible stats are available which you use for making the right decisions in poker.

PokerTracker already has the standard HUD settings separately for the tournaments and cash games. You can change them at your own discretion. You can read a more detailed description of the most used indicators in the article “Holdem Manager2 review” (“Basic stats” point) and in the main article about HUD.

How to set HUD in PokerTracker 4

In the PokerTracker lobby, the HUD tab includes two functions: “Edit Hud Profiles» (HUD profiles editing) and «Edit Hud Options» (HUD functions editing for each profile).

HUD for PT4

Let’s consider the first function.

Press the tab “Hud” in PokerTracker 4 lobby and select “Edit Hud Profile» for HUD profile settings. You can create several profiles for various game types.

If you want your HUD to be the most similar to Holdem Manager HUD, then select Legacy HUD.

If you downloaded the third-party HUD or you want to import the settings from PokerTracker 3 or another computer, then you should press “Options” in the tab «HUD» – «Edit Hud Profile» and choose “Import Profile” (it is permitted .pt4hud и .pt3hud formats).

Import HUD PT4

You have an opportunity to restore the default settings for the profile (default):

Standard HUD PT4

It is easy to find in the network the poker HUDs both for Holdem Manager and PokerTracker. Be cautious while choosing them and remember that it is better not to download them from the unchecked resources. As a rule, free HUDs are either old-fashioned or simplified. But they'd be perfect to the newbies and the micro-limits players.

It will be difficult for a new player to find out how to use PokerTracker and also it will be difficult to set HUD data at once. That’s why you can download ready-made HUD for PokerTracker 4. For those players who have just installed PokerTracker and are in process of learning the basics, we recommend to download free HUD and gradually adjust it for yourself. You can also buy HUD from the professionals and the poker coaches.

In order to change HUD profile during the game, you should press the icon PokerTracker at the table and select «Change Profile».

If you play basically at the certain type tables, then put a checkmark in «Make Active Profile Default for Table Type». In this case, the profile selected by you will always be used by default for these tables.

So, we have cleared up the HUD profiles and now let’s proceed to HUD settings in PokerTracker 4.

As it was mentioned above, you should select the menu “HUD” in PokerTracker lobby and press «Edit Hud Options» in order to set HUD options. The settings menu «General Settings» looks like this:

HUD options PT4

Let’s figure everything out step by step.

The filters settings block is in the top left corner of the panel:

  • Minimum Hands Required – it is the necessary hands amount in order the player’s stat to be displayed. The more hands are played, the more accurate statistical data is.
  • Stats From Current Cash Stake Only – it means to show the PokerTracker stats only for one limit (for example NL 100)
  • Stats From Current Bet Type Only – it means to show the statistical data only for the selected poker type: pot-limit, fixed-limit or no-limit.
  • Retrieve Session Stats for Tooltips – it means to show the players’ statistics separately for the current session (the comparison of a play session with the preceding ones).

 HUD PT4 filters

  • Stats from the last hands – it means to indicate the hands’ number according to which the statistics should be displayed. This function is useful only if you have a lot of hands you have played with a certain opponent and you need the fresh stats from his play. Set “0” if you have a few total hands with the player.

  • Number of Players Filtered – it means the stat displaying depending on the players’ quantity at the table. The player makes the decision based on the players’ quantity among the other things, that’s why it is important the PokerTracker stats to be displayed with this fact taken into account.

The method of this indicator’s setting is given below:

PT4 statistic

The next settings block (in the bottom left corner) - Mucked Cards and here is only two functions:

  • Display – it is the settings for a card demonstration after you will muck them. At the picture below there is a checkmark put in “Display” and in the box “Show for … seconds» 3 seconds are set. It means that the function “show the mucked cards during 3 seconds” is turned on. The transparency level displaying from “Solid” (non-transparent, deep color) to “Clear” (transparent) is regulated by the slider.
  • Show Equity Percentages – it means to enable the equity display of the mucked cards.

Mucked Cards for Poker Tracker 4

There is also a stats filter function in PokerTracker depending on the opponents’ stack. If you leave “Don’t Filter” then you will be shown the same stat for the player regardless of his current stack and play style in one or another range.  For example, if you select the point “Show Hands With 3-15BB” in front of «Player Stack 5-10BB», then it would mean that when the opponent’s stack will be in the range of 5-10BB then only his play stats with the stack from 3 BB to 15 BB will be shown.

Thus, by configuring each line, you will get a floated stat for the player that will be changed depending on his stack size.

HUD by the stacks

You should set the filter data value only in that case if you set PokerTracker independently. If you use an embed statistics then you shouldn’t change anything.

So, you should set the updates frequency of the hands data basis in “Refresh Rates”.

In “Min” you should set the number from 1 to X – the quantity of already available hands for the opponent.

In “Every” you need to write the session quantity that should be played with the player in order the database to be updated.

It is important: the numbers should be in the sequence from zero without gaps. An example of the correct filling:

HUD PT4 updates

HUD PT4 Advanced

  • Read From Databases – here is the database.
  • Outline Groups with Player Color – the function that let you mark the stats with different colors for perception convenience.
  • Allowing Translucency – here you can set HUD elements transparency.
  • Allow Vector Scaling – This function must be enabled for proper display of the stats when the poker client window is scaled.roup Display Type – here you should set the indicators transparency level that are displayed when you hover the mouse (pop-ups).

Here you can set the poker-room and the game type where you want to use one or another profile. You can select the profile separately for the tournaments and cash games at the particular sites:

HUD PT4 profiles

If you have had enough patience to read this article to the end and cleared up all the cobwebs of PokerTracker 4 settings, then you are a purposeful and prospective player.

You should train a little and then you will become a real pro.

We are sure that the stat tracking poker programs can help you turn your hobby into the pleasant income source!

But if you prefer a traditional poker without a soft using, then we recommend you to play only in those poker-rooms that prohibit using it. Thus, other players won’t have an advantage over you in the form of statistical data.

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Cardmates journalist, news editor and translator since 2016. Specialization: poker news and review of events.
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