Let's play dominoes


Those who want to diversify their game can play dominoes at a Pokermatch.

Dominoes is a board game, during which a chain of dice ("bones", "stones") is built, in contact with halves with the same number of points, indicating the number of points.

The basic rule is to collect more points, not roll the dice.

The tactics of the game can be different.

You can play at any rate .

Here is my tournament achievement.


You took the top 1 and won 110 UAH

Thank you all for your attention.

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I like dominoes) perhaps I should play one of these days!

1 replies
Ukraine Vetal Guru

I play dominoes, too

1 replies


Your next post (about the card collection) was written in Russian.

Please note that this is an ENGLISH version of the site, and posts in Russian are not accepted.

The post has been deleted. Next time you can get a temporary ban.

6 replies

I don't know how it happened, I wrote it in English. I saved it in verde, and then added it, I checked it, it was in English, but now only the title is in English??? This is the post, I saved it.

Hello I would like to introduce you to my collection of cards. These are my first cards with which I learned what poker is. Over time, these have appeared. Once upon a time there was a tournament at 888 poker and there were various prizes and I won cards. Tolik Filatov came to our city, I met with him and he left a wonderful autograph. And recently, my collection was supplemented with cards from Miss PokerMatch, which I won from her on stream. Thank you all for your attention.

I understood what the problem was, I checked the post from my phone when I published it and there is an auto-translation there and it was saved, but I don’t understand why the name remained in English, I hope this is the problem. Can I add a post about maps in English now?

You can publish the post if it is written in good quality English.

I see that you are actively using google translate (even now in the comments) and do not check the quality of the translation.

I saved it in verde
add a post about maps

what is verde? maps, really?

I don't need bad quality posts here. You might be better off blogging in Russian only. Or try harder.

I wanted to improve my English with posts, it's too early ... I'll just read

You can try writing, but put in more effort. And don't post more in Russian here :)


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