My way, psychology and strokes (continued)
After calling the commissioner, a witness suddenly ran up to us and volunteered to help.
The first thing that occurred to me was a divorce). For Russian realities, this is a normal thought). My brother and I looked at each other at once, he thought about it too). The guy looks 35-45 years old. Well dressed. He apparently saw us looking at each other.
Immediately says, do not think too much, I’m generally a teacher at the institute, I myself was in exactly the same situation. They sued for a year, then they found me guilty and proved that I allegedly moved to yellow without first convincing myself of safety. He says I’ll help, I saw how the culprit has already reached red. In general, the man was credible, like any experienced fraudster in his place. Here I will make a small digression about reading people.
Our brain is not perfect due to evolutionary features. Various cognitive distortions (systematic errors of thinking) are inherent in us, various swindlers often use this. People in a state of fatigue, engaged in another matter, in high spirits, exhausted by self-control, or endowed with power, are at a greater risk of cognitive distortion. That is, any positive or negative stress can greatly change the criticality of thinking, and this is always important to remember.
In poker, our reading of people to gain an advantage is built on a different principle, you can not trust anyone there)).
Classification and prioritization can greatly help. Usually everyone tries to classify with color marks, but they forget about prioritization. Prioritizing opponents can give an increase of bb / 100. This is a very simple analysis: which opponents I often meet at the table, which winrate more, which pain. First of all, you need to concentrate on those who feed you and often interfere. If someone can take your brain out, but this is 5% of the games in the cache, you can not play with them. Your task is not to feed your ego, but first raise the dollar per hour and BR until you reach the average limits
Okay, let's go back to the accident.
I thought I didn’t seem to risk anything, and entered his data in the witness statement. He doesn’t ask for money, and without a witness you can’t prove anything in such a situation (then auto registrars were not so common). The culprit, incidentally, immediately admitted his guilt on the spot. When we arrived at the cops and began to make a statement, the dude began to change shoes apparently his wife was harsh. It turns out the car is also new and the loan has not been paid. He began to say that he was not to blame and completed the maneuver, did not have time to brake. Another joke, there at the scene of an accident, he said that he could not find the beep, because at the viburnum the picnic is under the wheel. C * ka could not throw off the move and wrap instead of looking for a beep ...
In general, the protocols were drawn up, taking into account the testimony, then there was a long series of red tape, proceedings with insurance, the car then cost 20k + $, and the damage was more than 15k $, and this meant the cancellation of the car. Then another $ 30rub cost). In general, the car did not look so ushatannaya. We decided to fix the car ourselves, minus the rest. We repaired it through a friend in a month, immediately for ours, we thought we would be in a good plus, went to 0, the insurance paid $ 6k,. We expected about 10, because we did an independent examination, then we were still allowed to do it. Litigating on this occasion was laziness. That's how the car turned from brand new to already very battered.
Oh! (( I’ll tell you the ending tomorrow, litter, to be continued))))
P.s. There are two cool series - the theory of lies and the mentalist, just on the topic of reading people, maybe someone has not seen. Right now we are watching the series Paper House, the drama is a bit much, but I really liked it, about the mint robbery, I recommend it. May the force come with you, and downstreaks bypass!

Paper house is really nice)
Are u finished all seasons already?
Got one more)
Сool! Lucky you are)