How many of you want to create a challenge? A dream that starts from 0 and finishing at some point...

I think everyone from us want to be a hero on poker tables, and because of that i will share a huge point ( my thoughts) when you want to create a cash challenge! Let's see whats about:

Are you trying to create a challenge for a long therm and you don't know what kind of rules you need to increase your skill challenge? Well, at that i cannot answer, because inside of us , everyone want to play on his own rools and do change how he want for personal succes!

But let's see a simple exemple:

TUDOR (one simple name found in my head right now lol) have already succesed his College ( bla bla studium) and now he have 1 month free before he will starting to work. BUT he wanted for a long time to play and live from poker. Well, one month its enought to see if thats work... ( for me didn't work, thats why i am also work now! Reason: don't like to withdraw funds from a challenge to pay bills.....right...its not my style).

HE have 100$ and he want to play cash.

HE deposited into a poker room, made 4 rules ( the number 4 remain my lucky number sorry :P) and starting to play.

First day, like first day... he have big attention and he made 4,73$ at NL2, which means a lot!

BUT TUDOR said "only 4,73$" today. Well, if HE was a trader, that means 4.73% from his entire money. Which for a rich person, means  A LOT!

TUDOR wants to transform the 100$ into 1000$. First day he said that he is sad , it will be a long challenge....

SOLUTION: Transform that challenge into : from x to 10.000% (another x) procent winnings! and try to be everyday on +% , even if is only 0.01%!

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Regular recreational player. Get rich or try bluffin'!
Comments (2)

Good luck though the chance is only 0.01% and is extremely small ;) 

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Ukraine Vetal Guru

in small steps, towards a big goal.

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